Monday, November 19, 2012


                   THE DESIDERATA a poem written by Max Ehrmann during 1690's. A poem that has touched my heart and soul. And a poem shared to us by our teacher. 

                   I learned that our world is full of danger. Dangerous things that can give us pain, not only physically but also emotionally and psychologically. There is more weight when silencing our thoughts in minds than considering it. We can't control the world, the things that happen to us, our thoughts and specifically our reactions to the things that happen to us. It would be better if we will avoid ourselves to have contact to those that make us vain than collect those thoughts and get angry about it.  Change is the only thing permanent in this world. We should change but not for the others to compliment us but ourselves, for us to be proud and be open of what we really feels. For us to be contented for what we have and what we are now and plan for the future without being barrier for others happiness. To sum it all up, it God whom we should entrust ourselves in order to be fulfilled and happy.

                  I want to know more about how I can be a better person. A better person who is so much contented with what he/she have and to what he/she is really are. And also how can I build better and stable connection with God.

                  I want to research on how I can be myself, the true me, without hatred and with pure calmness and peace within me.

                  I appreciate the fact that a poem like this can help students like to be a deeper person with a deeper understanding of what world really has to offer me.

                 I can apply my insights and learning by being myself, the better me. With poems like this I can have my guide to the path of being a good person/ student. I can also share them with my friends and give them motivations and pieces of advice.

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